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  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   7 years 1 month ago
    I've heard from AT through hikers that there is a problem bear lurking about the Fingerboard Shelter above lake Tiorati. Apparently the park rangers have been trying to eliminate this bear for quite some time. As of today, the bear is still actively snatching food from even tree hung bear bags at this shelter.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 1 month ago
    My friend and I were hiking on Sunday, May 21, for about six hours. We had several ticks appear on our clothing, and both of us found ticks attached when we got home. Fortunately, they were Lone Star ticks and not the black-legged deer ticks, but still -- everyone should be extra vigilant this year, it seems!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 2 months ago

    Crew lead by Bryan Blackburn, with help from Fred Stern, Connie Stern, Benny Yoo, Herb Hochberg, and Walt Daniels.

  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 2 months ago
    Just a shout-out and big "thank you" to the trail crew that fixed the deteriorating boardwalk. It's a beauty!
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   7 years 2 months ago
    On Friday, after a day of hiking, I waited for the 7:43 Shortline Bus to go back to the city from Southfields. I was across the highway from the Red Apple Rest, which I was told was where the bus would stop. When the bus came (five minutes late, which is much more punctual then city-bound buses usually are), I waved at the bus, but it went by without stopping. Someone at the nearby gas station told me that the bus often doesn't stop there, but that it was more likely to stop in Tuxedo because it had a bus shelter. He gave me a lift there so that I could catch the next bus, which was two hours later. Someone at the Chinese food place where I went to eat and to fill up the time also mentioned that the bus often fails to stop for passengers. When the next bus came, and I complained to the driver, one of the passengers jumped in and said, "I feel your pain. It doesn't stop for me sometimes, and I have to get to work." Since failing to stop for passengers seems to be a common problem with Shortline, I'm curious to see if this has happened to other hikers. I live in the city and don't own a car. Some of the stops that I have used in the past, such as Arden for the AT or Mountainville for the Schunemunk trails, are isolated with no services around for miles. I hike all day long, so I usually catch the last bus before sundown. If the bus doesn't stop, then I'm stranded by a dark highway in the middle of the night. Fortunately, last Friday, the open gas station and the good samaritan were there. I can't count on that everytime. I'm wondering if Shortline has left other hikers stranded. If so, perhaps we can band together to complain as a group. I would hate to give up hiking on many of my favorite trails just to avoid the risk of being stranded.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 3 months ago
    Anyone been on the trails in bear since the snow last week? Wondering if it is clear(ish)? Thanks for any feedback.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 4 months ago
    A grant has been received to fix the puncheon and we are waiting for our lumber supplier to to get the materials we need. Unfortunately, this is taking longer than anticipated. Be assured the puncheon will fixed ASAP
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   7 years 4 months ago
    This boardwalk has several boards that have fallen into the marsh as well as others too rotten to step on safely. Not a problem when the marsh was frozen, but now a misstep on a narrow board puts you ankle deep in muck.
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   7 years 5 months ago

    The Goldthwaite Memorial plaque was vandalized last March or April.  I took a photo of the plaque on March 1, 2016, and a few weeks later it was reported missing

  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   7 years 5 months ago
    I was on the RD last Sunday (2/5). The plaque is gone from the boulder, and there is a clean swath below the indentation. Stolen?