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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 9 months ago
    the gravel parking lot referred to is CLOSED.   Park Police have closed it off due to illegal swmming in the river further up the road.    Stonetown Rec Complex is the best option for parking.   
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 9 months ago
    I had to laugh when I saw your post because one time I parked on White Rd next to the trailhead for the connector trail and some guy came out and "warned" me about a 600 pound bear up in the woods. I think the residents of White Rd. think they own the road, which clearly they do not. My car was still there when I returned from the hike and I saw no bears (although I'm sure there are some in that neck of the woods). I have parked at the Stonetown Recreation Complex on Mary Roth Drive  Take County  511 to Westbrook Rd and make 1st right onto Stonetown Rd. The complex will be on your left. The trailhead for the Stonetown Circular Trail is directly across Stonetown Road from the Mary Roth Drive entrance (there is no sign for Mary Roth Dr., however) You can also park on County  511 at large gravel lot opposite E. Shore Rd. The Highlands Trailis very close to the gravel lot and  will take you up to junction with Horse Pond Mt Trail. Hope this helps.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 9 months ago
    Is there any safe place for cars to park for the Stonetown Circular Trail and the others--such as Horse Pond Mountain Trail--that connect to it?  I drove to Stonetown Road, then to the end of White Road, and was shooed off by a hostile resident. There was a dodgy-looking dirt road to the side that might work, but it was not inviting. She also warned me of "three giant bears" in the woods. She was not Goldilocks. So I drove to Lake Riconda, which does have a tiny cul-de-sac at the end of the road, and parked there. That would not hold more than 2 cars comfortably. Both of these locations are marked with a P on the trail map, but they are less than ideal. Jonathan
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   8 years 9 months ago
    Hello, I lost my gold wedding band a few hours ago, 9/12/15 between 930am to 1pm, while hiking on the white trail and down the blue trail at Breakneck Ridge. If anyone finds it please email me at [email protected]. it has an inscription inside that I can verify.   Thanks in Advance!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 9 months ago
    Thanks, Dan. We hoped a  marked detour would be forthcoming.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 9 months ago
    Like the poster before me, I also saw some construction equipment but along the Victory Trail near the lake.  It seems as if there is some work being done and I wish the trail conference would know about this.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    The Park is in the process of replacing the bridge over Tiorati Brook on Tiorati Brook Road, just east of the Beech Trail parking area. The old bridge was deemed to be inadequate to handle heavy loads and has already been removed. As a result, Tiorati Brook Road is now closed from a mile east of Tiorati Circle to the Palisades Interstate Parkway. The heavy machinery that has been placed on the route of the Beech Trail is needed for the construction of the new bridge. We hope temporarily to reroute the Beech Trail around the construction area. This temporary reroute would cross Tiorati Brook on rocks near the Beech Trail parking area. Due to the reduced water flow in the brook (the level of Lake Tiorati has been lowered to facilitate the construction), it is anticipated that crossing the brook on rocks should not be difficult. It is hoped that this temporary reroute will be in place very soon.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    On Sat Sept 5 , we came upon major equipment Bulldozer, etc) and construction like site in MIDDLE OF BEECH TRAIL (near Tiorati Brook Road but on trail). No detour noted though both sides of trail were fine except for big impediment. We scrounged around, crossed over dirt at work site. There may have been a good place to dtour but not marked--not even masking tape,etc. No one on hike had seen this before in spring or a bit later. Jane Levenson
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   8 years 10 months ago
    hi all. I'd like to plan a two day hike. Can anyone help? I tried a few years ago. I got lost and now I'm a little wary. I'd like a good hike, pitch a tent, then loop back the next morning. Can anyone recommend a nice long loop in which I won't get lost? September seems like a good time for a good long hike. If that goes well, I'd do a double nighter. my first time on the site. Do the members ever get together for hikes? I'd like to meet with other hikers. sorry so sloppy,,,iPad.   ;/
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   8 years 10 months ago
    I have brought many campers into Harriman Park to stay at Beaver Pond Campsite or Sebago Cabins. These would be good locations with kids - day hikes and swimming available at both locations. I generally meet taxi customers at Suffern train station or even Sloatsburg or Tuxedo. (find me on google )