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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    Phil Rizzuto would prefer you called them huckleberries as they are wild.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    There is no offical parking at the end of the road due to some private land located there.  You can however park elsewhere and hike in and gain access to the trailhead.  We are currently working with the NYS DEC to help resolve the parking issue.  
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    Things are really dry in the park.  I was there last weekend and every stream, spring and brook was bone dry.  I know this usually happens in the late summer but this is the worst I've seen it.  When I tried to get down to one of the lakes it was hard to get to the water as well unless I junped right in.  Better bring extra water along and not plan on spending the night.  I was there a few weeks ago and I was wading through deep water on the Red Cross Trail.  What a difference a few weeks makes!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 10 months ago
    Several days ago, I drove to the end of Pelnor Hollow Road to access the Pelnor Hollow trail.  At the end of the road, there were several signs indicating "No Parking" and "Do Not Enter".  The signs seem to be DEC signs, not from property owners.  The NYNJTC Catskill map does not indicate parking, but it does seem to indicate there is trail access. Assuming that I park elsewhere, how do I access the Pelnor Hollow trail from Pelnor Hollow Road?  Does the "Do Not Enter" sign not apply to hikers?
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 11 months ago
      FYI     Castle Point Carraige Road is closed for restoration from May 2015 until completion...approx. 200 days.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 11 months ago
    I can't answer your question directly with respect to the Highlands, but I can tell you that there are tons of blueberries ready-to-eat in Harriman right now.   My wife and I hiked near Reeves Meadow Visitor Center yesterday and were downing them by the fistful. We made this sacrifice as a service to our fellow hikers, who might otherwise find their clothing stained purple as they passed through trail segments brimming with ripe fruit.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   8 years 11 months ago
    Planning on taking my two oldest - 10 and 8 - on a 2 or 3 day outing in august. So we are looking for a loop with sights, and as many interesting things (caves, historical, water, wildlife, etc) as poss. Challenging but not dangerous for children of their age. Live on Long Island and will travel out to the Catskills but not farther. If there are backpacking options in the Shawagunk region I'd particularly love to hear about is as they love hiking in that area.     Thanks!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   8 years 11 months ago
    Can anyone who has hiked thru our local Highlands tell me if our wild blueberries are out and ripe? I last hiked a month ago & only saw 'greenies'. Thanks!
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 6 days ago
    In reply to the posted report:  Bockey Swamp Trail is an unmaintained trail.  The report of the narrow conditions on the Red Cross Trail section is appreciated; the assigned maintainers will be notified.  As was noted, the gypsy moths have indeed been active this year resulting in many trees defoliated or left with very diminished and ragged leaves., .
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 6 days ago
    On June 27, I hiked from the Elk Pen around Island Pond.  Almost every oak and beech tree trunk was covered with dead gypsy moth caterpillars. Another hiker told me that many trees have been defoliated. On June 29, I hiked from Tiorati Brook Road in a big loop east and north, but I did not see a single caterpillar.  I guess this outbreak is localized. Thanks to all the rain, following the Bockey Swamp trail is difficult in spots because of blueberries and ferns covering the trail. Bushes have also made the Red Cross trail pretty narrow as it runs between the Menomenee and the Beech.